Luc Tuymans | Egypt (2003) 2005

Luc Tuymans

Egypt (2003) - 2005 [cat. 44]

Dimension44.00 x 31.00 cm (30.00 x 18.00 cm)
Tirage:150 + XX AP
Éditées par:Texte zur Kunst - Berlin
Imprimeur:Roger Vandaele, Antwerpen
Papier:BFK Rives 180 g/m2
Signature:Signée et numérotée au crayon en bas à droite
Disponible?:A vendre
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Egypt (2003)

Sérigraphie sur papier BFK Rives 180 g/m2

For “Texte zur Kunst” Luc Tuymans has created a silk screen print which is based on a media image that documented the meeting between Colin Powell and Hosni Mubarak in October 2003 in Sharm El Sheik. Instead of focusing on the two politicians, “Egypt, 2003“ recreates the scene by focusing on the nameless place which staged the meeting as a result of media construction. The relationship of painting to the visuality of a decisive moment is characterised by a process of distancing and alienation, building up tension between artistic representation and reality.



Luc Tuymans

A présent Luc Tuymans est sans aucun doute l’artiste belge, vivant, le plus important dans la scène internationale.

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